18 November 2019

Sage: a concentrate of benefits, the most coveted aromatic plant of all time

Sage is a perfect translation of the expression nomen omen: a destiny in a name: both name and deed. The term derives from the Latin salvus, which means healthy. And let's face it, the etymology is entirely appropriate.

Between botany, legends and history

The sage family tree boasts illustrious relatives. In the Lamiaceae family we find aromatic herbs such as mint, thyme, oregano and rosemary. This evergreen and perennial species is on average half a metre tall and can be recognised, in addition to the unmistakable aroma, thanks to the green-grey elongated oval leaves (covered with fine hairs). It loves the sun and blooms between June and July, producing branches of purple or lilac petals.

In ancient times its innumerable properties (a medicinal remedy, a gastronomic flavour, a secret of well-being and a recipe for "eternal" beauty) even led to believe that it was the antidote to every evil: the elixir of a long healthy life and the synthesis of the perfect balance between body and mind.

At the time of the Greeks and Romans it was a sacred plant, whose collection represented a privilege for the few; in Ancient Egypt it was associated with immortality and according to Chinese tradition it procures longevity; the Middle Ages chose it as a portentous healing agent for the most difficult wounds and sores.

But have you ever stopped to investigate all the possible applications, beyond myths and beliefs?

The medicinal herb with a thousand powers

Before starting, a little advice. In the field of salvia officinalis it is better to resign oneself to the idea of being surprised because, just when you think you have reviewed all its advantages, that is the moment when you discover that you have neglected a truly marvellous one.

Let's start with the comfort zone where everyone, skilled chefs or simple tasters, made its acquaintance: the kitchen. Sage leaves are unparalleled for their aroma intensity, spicy notes and versatility. There is no dish which is not charmed by it. Meat, stuffed pasta, condiments and infusions are its chosen partners, both within the Mediterranean tradition and beyond it.

But now comes the fun. This small evergreen shrub - which prefers warmth but fears neither frost nor drought - is known for its anti-inflammatory, digestive, balsamic, disinfectant, antioxidant and bactericidal qualities. What's more, it helps with the ability to memorise, awakens from the torpor of tiredness, contrasts depressive states and is said to be the most precious ally of women and the worst enemy of their hormonal disorders.

Then we have cosmetics and here, perhaps, a treatise would not be enough.

A direct taste-health-beauty thread

And here the circular idea, once again, becomes the explanation of everything.

What satisfies the senses and is good for the body also becomes an ideal ingredient to look after your appearance, safeguard hygiene and nourish skin and hair.

Fresh or dried sage leaves are frequently used in toothpastes, due to their bleaching and disinfectant effect, or in deodorant formulations, as they are antibacterial and anti-sweat.

Sage essential oil is also an extraordinary antioxidant which pops up in many anti-ageing creams, of which it strengthens the ability to slow down wrinkles forming and tissue degeneration.

If the problem to be addressed concerns greasy, impure and acne-prone skins, sage extracts and appropriate skin treatments are often the winning answer. A guaranteed effect for dandruff and oily hair too, because (don't say we didn't warn you) one of the peculiarities of sage is also its sebum-balancing power.

There’s more. Did you know of its benefits on microcirculation? Translated into agricosmetic language, this means a valid aid for the health of the hair bulb and against the dreaded (and gender-free) hair loss. Hair that in the meantime gains in shine and hydration, but by now you would have bet on this.

Yes, sage is a true injection of strength and nourishment for various types of hair. It polishes and closes the cuticles, giving new light to hair which is opaque and devitalised; it cannot coexist with dandruff and excess grease, which it defeats without the possibility of revenge; it supports cell regeneration, moisturises, lightens and makes hair vaporous.

Biodynamic sage: when a 0 km medicinal plant turns into an Organic Way ingredient 

During its balsamic period, this prodigious perennial bush gives its best.

Its active ingredients reach the maximum concentration and, at the time of harvesting, we can say that they are already fantasising about their future agricosmetic uses in the Ortofficina.

This happens because the Oway farm is not conceived as a mere collector of the ingredients required for laboratory formulas. Ortofficina is an experience of harmony with nature, of well-being for man and of respect for the ecosystem.

We have made this journey many times and, at the end of each one, we have chosen to offer this experience in the form of beneficial solutions for skin and hair.

Agricolor is the leader, the highest celebration of sage in the form of hair colouring. With its 35% concentration of biodynamic and organic sage macerate, the list of benefits increases dramatically: anti-frizz effect, extreme shine, enveloping fragrance and the guarantee of a sensory experience destined to become a long-lasting memory.

The Rebalancing program – consisting of the rebalancing clay Amazonian control clay, of the pure compound Pure biodynamic sage and of the normalising bath Sebum balance hair bath – draws extensively from the sebum-regulating and purifying characteristics of sage to offer products intended for skin and greasy hair.

With the field cleared of magic, the extraordinary virtues of the plant considered a panacea for all ills remain. There is no vegetable element full of expectations that, like sage, has been able to defeat scepticism, resorting only to the power of results.

It is not a miracle, it is the oldest of wonders. Nature.


Pour un monde post-plastique : à la découverte du principe actif derrière tous nos choix

Dans cette édition de Cosmoprof 2024, nous avons semé la graine de l'agricosmetica® partout où le terrain était fertile, braquant les projecteurs pour que notre secteur aussi réfléchisse à l'avenir de l'écosystème. Immergés – mais à distance – dans le monde de ceux qui, comme nous, proposent des produits cosmétiques, nous avons choisi de montrer ce qui nous est le plus cher : nos racines.

Réutiliser est chic: voici le nouveau paradigme de la mode responsable, qui recrée à l’infini

Dans un monde où tout a déjà été créé, la seule tendance qui ne meurt jamais, c’est l’ennui.   La mode innove, étonne, ébranle les paradigmes, mais, au fond, elle a adhéré pendant des années au principe même de toutes les supercheries : l’idée selon laquelle « beau » et « désirable » égal inédit.

À la recherche de l'expérience : l'art des détails qui font la différence

Lorsque les désirs et les attentes sont satisfaits par les sensations, l'expérience a lieu. Lorsque l'expérience dépasse les limites de l'habituel et s'enrichit du souci du détail, du sens de l'accueil et de l'anticipation des besoins, le souvenir prend forme. Et celui-ci, nous sommes prêts à parier, sera inoubliable.

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